Please join us in supporting the Kvilinsky family

In Memory of Yan Kvilinskiy

Olha (left) & Yan (right) Kvilinsky lived in the Poltava region in Ukraine with their daughter until late 2022. Olha and Yan met while at University in Ukraine.  The college sweethearts started a simple life together 15 years ago, married for 9.  Olha and Yan created a farming business together. They grew roses and rose bush plants from their 14 greenhouses. Yan was a good man: dedicated, multi-talented, hardworking, and a man of integrity.  To fight corruption in his local town, he ran for Mayor and defeated the communist leaning incumbent of 15 years. This is the upstanding person that we remember. 

Yan served for the past two years he led a militia protecting his local village while continuing to provide for his wife, daughter, parents, and extended family by working the farm. Times were tough, especially in the winter of 2022. Power outages were frequent, and food and gasoline were hard to come by. Olha moved into the city with her daughter, while Yan would stay long durations at the farm. Living in the city enabled their daughter to continue to attend school, but that was not sustainable due to the repetitive daily bombings.

Olha returned to the farm, where it was believed to be safer due to its remote location.  During the start of winter 2023, Olha knew the only way to keep her daughter safe from the invaders, the lack of heat and food during the harsh winter was to leave Ukraine.  At this time Yan was informed he would need to either enlist in the army or be drafted.  He enlisted.  In December 2023, he was trained for special missions to hold back the constant affront of the Russian aggression. In a way this was a relief, because he felt guilty he wasn't in the army with his fellowmen. Yan had a shoulder injury that previously kept him from being eligible for a warfighter. This brave and honorable man of action, whose desire was to make this world a more beautiful place, was mortally wounded during a military conflict in January 2024 at the young age of 34.

Olha escaped to the United States in December with her daughter under the special Immigration provision, ‘Uniting for Ukraine’ and is sponsored by the family that hosted her as a foreign exchange student in 2010. 

Olha loves to knit sweaters, hats, scarves, and other handmade goods for her family and friends. She makes custom handmade goods and would try and sell them to provide for her family. Some have asked if Olha sells her crafts directly. She is working on that while healing at this difficult time in her life. In the future we can reach out through this channel to learn when she is ready to take orders for her products.

The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise support for Olha and her daughter. We pray that you will make a charitable donation to the Fortress Foundation in support of the widow Olha and her daughter who are in need of starting anew in a new land under dire circumstances.

Olha said; “We believe that God will continue to provide for us here, and my family back home. Please pray for their safety during these trying times. During this season of life, we are learning to find joy, even in the trials. One of the benefits of returning to America is that our daughter is being immersed in the English language here, and she loves learning and going to school. We are thankful for your consideration, and thankful for our host family, Tom and Jill Weaver! 

Contributions are received by The Fortress Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation. 100% of all payments received will be paid to the Benevolence Fund. The Fortress Foundation does not profit from any of these gifts.

Funds will be utilized for Medical Bills, School Fees, Travel, and Tuition.


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